Legal Team

ZANDILE MPUNGOSE - DIRECTOR BA(Law), LLB (University of KwaZulu Natal), Diploma: Corporate Law(UJ), Cert in Rural Telecoms(Delft University of Technology), LLM(Commercial Law) UNISA Admitted as an Attorney in July 1997
Our Team of Professionals:
The firm is led by the Director, Ms Zandile Mpungose who has more than 15 year's practical legal experience. She is supported by a team of Professional Attorneys and Assistants who have varied legal expertise in various fields such as contract negotiation and drafting, Telecommunications Law, Compliance Management, Labour matters, Transaction Advisory Services, amongst others. Our Professional team's competence sees us rendering expedient, effective and a speedy range of legal services and solutions in different and varied industries.
The Director is a seasoned Attorney with many years' experience working in Executive Management capacity in areas of Public Sector Law, Regulation, Compliance Management, Governance, Contract Management, development finance policy and legislation relating to social housing as it relates both to Provincial Government and Local Government Labour and Employee Relations having acted in the capacity as Company Representative in house as well as at the CCMA and Bargaining Council, and also acted as Presiding Officer in various in-house matters. She has in-depth knowledge of various public sector legislation such as the Municipal Finance Management Act, the relevant regulations as well as the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, and the various National Treasury guidelines and practice notes as they apply to various public sector entities.
The firm also has a special focus on development of a Compliance Framework for public sector entities, to assist them to have a dashboard on their level of compliance and to development action plans to improve the state of compliance, contract management and negotiation, conduct due diligences and other investigations for clients, governance and how the King 3 report on Corporate governance and the New Company's Act impact on Companies and the Board of Directors.